Evening Safari

Our Services

Evening Safari

Prepare to immerse yourself in the quintessence of UAE’s allure with our Evening Desert Safari—an indispensable experience for every traveler. A tale to share with your kin and comrades back in your abode, this safari transcends the commonplace, a spectacle you simply can’t replicate on familiar grounds. Our wholehearted recommendation echoes through the dunes, assuring you that every dirham invested is a testament to moments extravagantly treasured.

Embark on this odyssey in the afternoon, weaving through the Dubai desert’s tapestry with pit stops tailored for photographic enchantment. The crescendo builds with an exhilarating dune drive, culminating in the first vista—a sunset of unparalleled beauty. We pause, spellbound, absorbing the celestial descent, then plunge into the heart of adrenaline-fueled dune bashing, guiding you to our sanctuary—the campsite. Here, the canvas unfurls with opportunities—an elegant camel ride, the thrill of sandboarding, and the chance to adorn your hands or feet with intricate henna designs. As the appetites for adventure and cuisine intertwine, savor a delectable barbecue dinner, complemented by the rhythmic puff of the famous Arabic water pipe—shisha. The nocturnal stage is set, lit by the flickering campfire, where our Fire show and Tanura show take center stage, ushering in an ambiance woven by starlight.

Inclusions & Exclusions:

✔Pick up by 4×4 wheel Drive from any Dubai point between 3.00 PM to 3.30 PM—timings dance in tandem with the sunset’s whims.
✔Traverse the desert via Al Awir Road, partaking in the thrilling ballet of Dune Bashing.
✔Engage in 20-30 minutes of pulse-quickening Dune Driving.
✔Capture the Sun’s descent through the lens with Sunset Photography.
✔Partake in the regal elegance of Camel Rides.
✔Be enthralled by the Fire show and Tanura show.
✔Unwind at the bar (on a payment basis), sipping your preferred elixir.
✔Embrace the artistry of Henna Painting.
✔Indulge in the aromatic Hubble Bubble (Shisha), available at an extra cost.
✔Sip on Arabic Coffee (gahwa) accompanied by Fresh Dates.
✔Drape yourself in Traditional Costumes for an authentic metamorphosis.
✔Quench your thirst with unlimited soft drinks, tea, coffee, and mineral water.
✔Delight your palate with a sumptuous Buffet Dinner and B.B.Q. (vegetarian options abound).
✔Bid adieu to the desert tableau at 9.30 pm.
✔For the enthusiasts, Sand Skiing awaits (additional charge).
✔Rev up your spirit with a Quad Bike ride (additional charge).

Whether you’re a lone explorer or part of a group of six, the desert’s embrace is open to all. Yet, a word of caution—for the adventure that unfolds in the desert may not befit the tender years below 3, the expectant mothers, or those grappling with back issues. Fear not; a private car stands ready to whisk you directly to the camp, allowing you to relish other activities sans hindrance. Child-friendly car seats stand testament to our commitment to safety.

Our chauffeurs, a cadre of professional and licensed drivers, also double as guardians, equipped with first aid acumen. Roll cages and seat belts fortify our 4×4 Land Cruisers, ensuring security against the rare event of a desert roll-over. From the very moment you step into our vehicles, an insurance shield envelops both you and the car, casting a protective aura over every twist and turn.

Must Do’s:
Elevate your desert escapade by wielding a camera, capturing breathtaking views that beg to be frozen in time. Opt for comfort in attire, leaving behind the glitter of jewelry and high-end gadgets, as the desert camps echo in a symphony of silence. Savor the rich notes of Arabic coffee and surrender to the rhythmic allure of our belly dancer’s performance!

Sand Ski:
For an adrenaline-charged interlude, indulge in sand skiing—the epitome of desert delight. Opt for the red dune safari to experience sand-skiing at its zenith.

Camel Trek:
Embark on a celestial journey with a camel trek, tracing the sun’s descent from the pinnacle of a dune. Await a camp adorned with drinks and a dinner feast.

Quad Bikes/Dune Buggies:
Amp up the thrill with quad bikes, offering larger 350cc beasts for adults and nimbler 150cc counterparts for the younger adventurers. Quad bikes roar in designated areas for safety, while dune buggies, a twosome adventure, plunge into the desert abyss, guided by our instructor. Thrill-seekers, gear up, follow the convoy, and let the desert saga unfold in the company of the ever-shifting dunes.